There is much more to keeping a pet fish then just buying an aquarium and fish. Here are some of the basics that you need to know to keeping fish happy and healthy.

Picking the right bowl or aquarium

First decided where you want to put your aquarium. A spot away from direct sunlight and breezes is best. Remember that aquariums are very heavy and difficult to move so pick your spot well. A 20 gallon aquarium weighs 225 lbs. Measure your space so you will have an idea of how large your aquarium should be. You will also need to decided if you want an acrylic or glass tank. Be sure to check any aquarium well before you buy. Keep an eye out for any cracks or scratches. Once you chose your aquarium you will also need to purchase a stand. Be sure to chose a stand that will support the weight of your aquarium.

Equipment for your aquarium

All aquariums should have a lid. Some fish tend to jump so be sure your tank is covered. Aquarium hoods are actually a lid and a light. Hoods can be made out of plastic or glass. Plastic lids are cheaper, weigh less, and and unbreakable. Glass lids are tighter which will help reduce evaporation, they allow more light into the aquarium and are easier to clean. Two basic lights you for you aquarium are incandescent and fluorescent. Incandescent bulbs give off more heat and can affect the temperature of your tank. They are cheaper to buy but cost more to use. Fluorescent bulbs are cooler and cost less to run. Aquariums will also need a heater. There are two basic types of heaters immersible and fully submersible. With immersible heaters you can adjust them without having to stick your hand in the water. and are also often cheaper. But they will become damaged if the water level in the tank will gets to low. Submersible heaters can be placed anywhere in the tank and are held in place by suction cups. Submersible are usually more expensive. You will also need a thermometer so you can keep an eye on the temperature of your aquarium. Your aquarium will also need a filtration system. There are three types of filtration systems biological, chemical, and mechanical. Mechanical filtration will remove waste by continuously passing water through foam or other material. Chemical filtration will filter out toxic metals, ammonia, and even odors by passing thru a material such as carbon. There are two types of beneficial bacteria known as “nitrofiers” grow in the tank. These bacterias convert harmful waste into something less harmful.

Choosing your fish

When choosing your fish you need to check size, water temperatures, and aggressiveness. Most pet stores will tell you the appropriate fish to group together and size of aquarium recommended for your fish. You will need to find out the right temperatures for each fish and if they will need a little salt added to the tank. Be sure to check the adult size of your fish since many fish in the store are not their full adult size yet. Also look to see if they are live-bearers or egg layers. Live-bearers can become over populated very quickly. Some live-bearers can give birth every month and have up to a hundred fry at a time. So keep in mind the size of your tank before buying and mating live-bearers. A good rule of fish care is 1 inch of fish for each gallon of water.

Fish and aquariums can be a wonderful and relaxing hobby. With proper care and maintenance your fish can live for many years and grow much larger then you expected.

How to Start a Home Aquarium