My dad and I used to go to Baltimore,

to see the fishies.

I wanted to see a big shark,

the kind that leap from the ocean,

and attack full grown seals.

The sharks were never that big,

even when next to my pint size body,

and I went home wondering when

I’d finally get to see a shark,

the king of the sea,

my only fear;

the coral striking my leg,

and me flailing in a pool of blood,

awaiting to be eaten by Mr.Great White.

But I still wanted to meet him,

just to say hi,

just to have lunch,

just to get to experience something different,

less mundane,


I still search for my great white at the mystic aquarium,

and as I grow older I find my search broadening into

course selections and travel destinations.

I will find my shark,

the kind that leaps from the ocean,

and attacks full grown seals.

We’ll all find our sharks.

At the Mystic Aquarium