Think about having an aquarium at home. It not only adds to the peaceful backdrop of your home but it also makes you feel happy and peaceful. I love watching my fish swim for hours. Keeping pets at home is a joy that we can share with our family members. I still remember the excitement of my daughter when I took her to the shop to get the fish tank and the golden fish. She jumped with joy and wanted to be there for hours. To make her feel happy I decided to get a fish tank and five gold fishes. All our way to home, she was chattering non-stop discussing about where to keep the fish tank and how she will feed the fish. She yelled with joy when we reached home. She even refused to eat her lunch till my husband helped her to place the tank at the place of her choice and let the fish swim in the fish tank. We got three orange colored gold fish and two black colored gold fish. Every day she will feed the fish and stand there watching the fish eating the fish food. Whenever I go and stand near the fish tank, the fish come swimming hitting the walls of the tank. Their mouth moved in excitement expecting me to feed them. It is really amazing to note that they know that some one stands there to feed them. We can’t expect these fish to make sounds as the birds do. They can express themselves only through their eyes and by the movements of their mouth.

Now it is summer here. Days are very hot. One day, two of the fish died. We now have only three. Only one orange colored gold fish and two black colored gold fish. To my surprise one day I found the color of the black fish turned to golden color. Now we have two orange colored gold fish and one black colored gold fish. It is really have fish at home that not only adds beauty to our house but to our minds also.

Aquarium at Home !!